upalabdh karaane vaala example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उपलब्ध कराने वाला upalabdh karaane vaala news and headlines :
1. भोपाल. व्यापमं महाघोटाले में स्कोरर उपलब्ध कराने वाला कानपुर का कोचिंग संचालक रमेश शिवहरे घोटाले के सरगना जगदीश सागर और अरबिंदो मेडिकल कॉलेज के संचालक विनोद भंडारी के लिए भी काम करता था bhaskar.com2. सिटी रिपोर्टर . भोपाल | व्यापमं महाघोटाले में स्कोरर उपलब्ध कराने वाला कानपुर का कोचिंग संचालक रमेश शिवहरे घोटाले के सरगना जगदीश सागर और अरबिंदो मेडिकल कॉलेज के संचालक विनोद भंडारी के लिए भी काम करता था bhaskar.com 1. One point should be made clear: when we consider a product for the general public, via normal between the end customer and the supplier is the provider of commercial service

Given are the examples of hindi word upalabdh karaane vaala usage in english sentences. The examples of upalabdh karaane vaala are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., supplier, procurer.

Lower ratio means credit allowed by the supplier is for a long period or it may reflect delayed payment to suppliers which is not a very good policy as it may affect the reputation of the business.

Since the supplier in the context of an import transaction resides in a foreign country, he/she demands payment in a foreign currency.
If the payment terms agreed between the importer and the overseas supplier is a letter of credit, then the importer should obtain the letter of credit from its bank and forward it to the overseas supplier.
After loading the goods on the vessel, the overseas supplier dispatches the shipment advice to the importer.
Having shipped the goods, the overseas supplier prepares a set of necessary documents as per the terms of contract and letter of credit and hands it over to his or her banker for their onward transmission and negotiation to the importer in the manner as specified in the letter of credit.
Goods are shipped by the overseas supplier as per the contract.
It is a document in which the buyer (importer) orders for supply of requisite goods to the supplier (exporter).
Sometimes goods purchased are returned to the supplier for various reasons such as the goods are not of the required quality, or are defective, etc.
For every return, a debit note (in duplicate) is prepared and the original one is sent to the supplier for making necessary entries in his book.
The supplier may also prepare a note, which is called the credit note.
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